
Weekly poll results: the vivo X100 Pro is a star, some doubts hang over the vanilla X100

Vivo X100 Pro may be the new king of the hill, it certainly came up with brilliant results from last week’s poll. The company hasn’t announced its plans for a rollout outside of China, and that was one of people’s primary concerns — Vivo has wide distribution, but not worldwide.

So, the popularity of the X100 Pro will change in the coming months as the company brings the flagship to new markets. There’s something else that’s currently unknown, the price, and that was another concern that people had – it’s a high-end device and it’s bound to be expensive.

If you don’t want to spend pro money, there’s the regular vivo X100, which is 20% cheaper than its sibling (based on Chinese prices). Some people in the comments said they actually preferred the vanilla model over the Pro, but the poll results indicate they’re in the minority.

That’s not to say the X100 won’t be a success, it has a lot of potential, especially if it proves its mettle in the reviews. All in all, the X100 is almost identical to the X100 Pro, except it lacks in the telephoto department (70mm lens vs. 100mm).

Similarities between the two phones hurt the X100 in other ways. Some really prefer a flat display, for example, which could be an added incentive to pick a vanilla phone over the Pro.

The vivo X100 and X100 Pro became available in China earlier this week and the duo cracked CNY 1 billion on their first day of sales. This is the best reception of any Vivo phone so far, so it’s safe to say that these two are already successful.

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